Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer, Just Around the Corner! Or Around the Block?

author's note: This is a short story about summer, how sometimes it can seem like forever for that one final bell to ring.
"Tick tock, tick tock" The pressure is building up, time is almost up. The red arrow on the clock is moving slower than ever. Every tick feels like a minute. Feet are bouncing up and down, and hearts are pounding in and out. Watching the red arrow, just about to hit twelve. Fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one... the clock froze. All the ears, waiting for that final bell, drop down in sadness. Everybody is shocked. No bell, no summer. The clock is making a strange noise, "click". Staring back at the clock, another minute till summer. Wait, how can this be? It was just a second away from summer! How can there still be a minute? The red arrow starts all over again. Thirty seconds left, fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, again the red arrow stops. Glancing away from the clock and looking back at it again, another minute to go! Feet are bouncing up and down, hearts are pounding in and out, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, the red arrow stops again. How can this be? Before, there was a minute and then another minute, but why won't the bell ring!? Summer, was thought to be right around the corner. Instead, it is a few blocks down. Looking at the clock again, one minute left to go. Thirty seconds left, fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, at long last, the bell finally rang. Everybody jumps for excitement. Running outside, sniffing the air, summer is finally here.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What Would it be like from an Animal's Point of View?

What would it be like, from an animals point of view?
Would it be intimidating? Interesting? Abusive?
Or would it be playful? Comfortable? Different?

What they are thinking,
Sleeping? Eating? Playing?
When they are the cold,
Scared? Death? Pain?

When they are playing outside,
This is fun? This is boring?
When they are in darkness,
What's going on? Where am I?

When they are curious,
What is that? Did you see that?
Or when their alone,
Somebody here? Anybody here?

When they are loving,
Play with me? Pet me?
Or when their abused,
Why did they hurt me? What did I do to them?

We will always ponder,
always wonder what is going on in an animals mind.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Life is Full of Patterns

author's note: This is a response to the novel, The Curious Incidient of the Dog in the Night-Time.

When I read the novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, it appeared to me that Christopher has many different behaviors. Christopher is a boy who is anti-social and is scared when people touch him. This is because he is tautistic. Symbolically humans don't want to express themselves unless they know the person. If the person is foreign, that shields our personality and the ability to open up to them. Another behavior that Christopher shows is he cannot tell a lie. Christopher claims he does "not tell lies." (19) and not telling lies is an excellent habbit to develope, and will come in handy in life. One last behavior that is strangely odd is he sees four red cars in a row it is a Good Day. Three red cars in a row made it a Quite Good Day and four yellow cars in a row made it a Black Day. This behavior is seen all the time by us humans. Everyday, if we realize it or not, we develope patterns to go throughout the day. Although Christopher's behaviors seem odd, in the real world, these behaviors apply to humans everyday.

Monday, May 3, 2010

What is a True Friend?

author's note: This poem is about what a true friendship is. It makes you think what real friends you have in your life. What inspired me to write this, was when I heard friends laughing in the background, having a good time. That made me think what really is a true friend?

What is a True Friend?

One who listens to you?
or one who trusts you?

What is a True Friend?

One who laughs with you?
or one who loves you?

What is a True Friend?

One who picks you up when you fall?
or one who cares about you?

What is True Friend?

A True Friend is always there for you
A True Friend never leaves your side
A True Friend cares about you

A True Friend will be with you now, and till forever.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

The True Art Master

author's note: This peom is about that nobody, no human, can create anything inside and out of this world. Nobody, except God. He is the true artist of this world. He is the only one who can create such great nature here on Earth.
Hear the swift flight of the eagle
See the grass flow along the Earth
Feel the warmth from the large star

Hear the coyote howl in the distance
See the moon glitter in the dark night
Feel the soil on the Earth become cold

The blue sky, painted by a Master
The mountains, carved by a Master
The waters, filled by a Master

But who is this Master?
The Master of all creation?
Or the true art Master?

Monday, April 26, 2010

You Are Worth More

author's note: This is a responce about the mestizo, to the novel by Graham Greene, The Power and the Glory.

In the novel The Power and the Glory, by Graham Greene, an unnamed priest journeyed to Carmen to escape from the lieutenant, a man who feels nothingness, and on the priest's journey, he spotted an uncanny man alongside the road. His name was Mestizo. "He had only two teeth left, canines which stick yellowly out at either end of his mouth like the teeth you find enclosed in clay which have belonged to long-extinct animals." (84) This man lived in a disgusting environment, and lived like an animal. The two teeth in the Mestizo's mouth were canines, and canine means dog. This man's personality is pure irony because he is a human that lived in his own dirt, a human that lived like an animal, a human that lived like a dog. When the lieutenant finally captured the priest, he finally encounters the eccentric man, Mestizo. As the priest glances down to the ground, he saw him with his toes settling in the mud and his foot lying right next to vomit. This is a perfect example of living like a dog.


The Mestizo is a character that gives us a message and the message is there is no human that has lower class than Mestizo. The priest was sitting in jail with the Mestizo and realized that Mestizo was standing-- with one foot wiggling in the dirt, and one lying next to vomit-- minding his own business, like it was no big deal. Mestizo, is pure irony because everyday he lived exactly like a dog. What Graham Greene is trying to teach us is, that human beings are more valuable than a dog, and no human being is dog.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This is where Katniss dies after all?

The Hunger Games have begun. The contestants were released out into the arena. I was running as fast as I could to protect myself. Night was approaching, and I had to find a safe place to rest until morning. I found a tree, a tree that was strong enough to hold my weight and is not noticeable. I climbed up the tree and was just about to fall asleep when suddenly, Snap! Snap! I was confused on the strange noise because it was not a tree branch breaking. Snap! Snap! I judged it coming from my right. I look down, it is a boy who started a campfire. What are they thinking! It is basically showing "Come and get me!" Stupid people are dangerous. All of the sudden two boys come up under the tree and started talking about a girl.
"Shouldn't we have heard a cannon by now?" says one Career.
"I'd say yes. Nothing to prevent them from going in immediately," says the other Career.
"Unless she isn't dead." says one Career.
"She's dead. I stuck her myself."
"Then where's the cannon?"
"Someone should go back. Make sure the job's done."
"Yeah, we don't want to have to track her down twice."
"I said she's dead!"
This other Career is the voice of Peeta!
"Now where is this Katniss girl of yours?" says one Career.
"Kantiss?" replies Peeta.
"Yeah, the girl your in love with!"
"Well.... Oh.. I don't know!"
"You don't know! Fine then I will go and find her myself!"
"But wait, what about the cannon?"
"We're waisting time! I'll go finish her and let's move on!"