author's note: This is a short story about summer, how sometimes it can seem like forever for that one final bell to ring.
"Tick tock, tick tock" The pressure is building up, time is almost up. The red arrow on the clock is moving slower than ever. Every tick feels like a minute. Feet are bouncing up and down, and hearts are pounding in and out. Watching the red arrow, just about to hit twelve. Fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one... the clock froze. All the ears, waiting for that final bell, drop down in sadness. Everybody is shocked. No bell, no summer. The clock is making a strange noise, "click". Staring back at the clock, another minute till summer. Wait, how can this be? It was just a second away from summer! How can there still be a minute? The red arrow starts all over again. Thirty seconds left, fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, again the red arrow stops. Glancing away from the clock and looking back at it again, another minute to go! Feet are bouncing up and down, hearts are pounding in and out, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, the red arrow stops again. How can this be? Before, there was a minute and then another minute, but why won't the bell ring!? Summer, was thought to be right around the corner. Instead, it is a few blocks down. Looking at the clock again, one minute left to go. Thirty seconds left, fifteen seconds left, ten seconds left, five seconds left, four, three, two, one, at long last, the bell finally rang. Everybody jumps for excitement. Running outside, sniffing the air, summer is finally here.